What’s Holding Companies Back from Adopting Workforce Management Software?

workforce management software | SynerionDespite workforce management software gaining in popularity, many businesses are still reluctant to adopt it. The concept of workforce management isn’t all that new, but there is growing evidence that its benefits are earning small to medium-sized businesses a significant ROI. 

As with any change, there comes an adjustment period. Many employers have misgivings and even some misconceptions about workforce management. Let's address some of the most commonly held myths and dispel them, or at the very least ease your mind. 

Myth #1 – Adopting New Workforce Management Software Will Disrupt Current Operations

While it may be true that there will be an adjustment period, the right workforce management solution provider will help you prepare. They will have an implementation plan for you that will include every level of employee in your organization. They will have support in place for any questions or concerns that arise throughout the transition. Having your entire team on board from the beginning will improve employee morale, and so will consistent scheduling practices and fewer pay errors.  

Myth #2 –  Implementing Workforce Management Software Will Cost Far Too Much

Instead of asking yourself if the company can afford it, you should ask yourself “Can the company afford not to have it?” When you are looking at the upfront investment, it is easy to lose sight of the long-term gains. However, Workforce Management Software has come so far since the days when upfront cost was the largest concern. With Cloud operations and software designed to work right out of the box, the costs to run these applications have significantly decreased. Since upfront costs are not as much an issue, think about “cost” in terms of long-term gains to productivity. Even the smallest business has to devote valuable hours of labor to have someone take care of payroll and scheduling. Automating that process reduces manpower in this area, freeing up hours in other areas that are more directly related to the bottom line. 

Myth #3 – The Workforce Management Software Will Not Deliver as Promised

The key to avoiding disruptions like this is to work closely with the workforce management solution provider to create and follow a unique plan designed with the needs of your business in mind. Any good workforce management service provider will be very clear about what you can expect from workforce management software and the steps that you will need to take to implement it successfully. By following what they lay out for you, you will be well on your way to realizing all of the benefits. 

Myth #4 – I need to get my Workforce Management from my Payroll vendor

Using this logic, you need to buy your car tires from the same place you buy your produce. While it may be convenient to “one-stop-shop”, business leaders know that convenience shouldn’t trump functionality and quality. Convenience rarely is the best option because companies specialize in different capacities. We’ve spent the better part of 30 years focused solely on workforce management software, so we’ve designed a tool that does just that. Of course, these applications often need to integrate and co-exist, but just because your payroll software company offers WFM, doesn’t mean it’s the best option for your business. 

Change can be scary, and even immobilizing. When we've gotten into the habit of doing something in a way that works, it is hard to conceptualize that there may be a better, more efficient way to do it. We’ve developed a software that is designed to streamline and automate processes you’re already doing. We aren’t re-writing your core processes, rather giving you the technology to do things faster, leaner and more cost-effectively.  Leaning into a more data-driven and self-reporting process will put your mind at ease as your workforce management software takes care of itself so that you can take care of everything else.


What’s holding you back? Talk to us.