How to Craft a Culture of Accountability

46795218_s.jpgWhat does business success depend on? According to entrepreneurs, accountability is one of the most important characteristics. A clear vision and having a direction that the business will be developed in play a role in establishing a culture of accountability. These aren’t the only essentials, however.

Companies can rely on multiple practical ways to establish a culture of accountability. These include providing feedback on a regular basis, setting realistic expectations and being a role model for employees among others.

The Importance of Regular Feedback

It’s surprising to find out that 39 percent of employees don’t really feel appreciated at work. When managers focus on communication and employee strengths, active engagement increases 30 times. Sixty-five percent of employees report that they want more feedback from managers.

Every single team member should be provided with sufficient information about their performance, areas in need of improvement and opportunities that can potentially arise in the future. Constructive criticism tends to get people more accountable rather than disengaged. 

There are many communication methods that managers can opt for. What matters the most is focusing on performance rather than personal characteristics.

Setting Realistic Expectations

As a manager or an entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to share your vision with employees, come up with a practical action plan for bringing that vision to reality and set realistic expectations. Communicate your expectations in a concise, firm and easy to understand manner. If people aren’t sure what you want from them, chances are that accountability will fail becoming a part of the corporate culture.

Make sure that every single team has a good idea about what you expect. Lay standards for everyday operations, come up with a preferred method of communication and always follow up after the provision of an assignment. 

Initial goals should be achievable. If necessary, break them down into small and manageable milestones. This way, you’ll make it much easier for workers to achieve progress and to feel accountable for everything that they do.

Be a Role Model Yourself

When change is desired in a corporate structure or an organization, it’s always best to lead by example. You should hold yourself accountable to the same standard that’s used to judge the performance of others. When setting standards and goals, you should be capable of meeting those. Otherwise, the practices and elements of corporate culture you’re attempting to implement will ring hollow.

The same standards should be in place when you fail. Analyze your performance, look for ways to improve and remain accountable for the work that hasn’t been done. If you turn yourself into a real life example of the company’s vision, you’ll find it a lot easier to motivate others.

Deal with Problems, Don’t Ignore Them

Every organization has problems that stand in the way of accountability. Dealing with these problems will wipe the slate clean and provide room for improvement. In some instances, organizations are dealing with tardiness and absenteeism. An attendance management system could prove to be a viable solution in such instances.

Other organizations deal with the lack of motivation, employee indifference, entitlement thinking, discouragement resulting from a failure to meet goals and poor communication between departments. Take a deep look around and stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

Once an issue is acknowledged and assessed, it will become much easier to tackle. Don’t tolerate a negative characteristic just because it has become a part of corporate culture. Change may be quite uncomfortable at first but it will revolutionize everyday processes and show employees that other options exist, as well.
