The Best Tips for Managing Part-Time Staff

40008478_s.jpgIn 2015, 18.9 percent of employment in Canada was part-time, OECD data suggests. The percentage is similar in the European Union (17.2 percent) and much higher in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands (38.5 percent).

In the US, more workers are part-time employees now that prior the Great Recession, according to the Center for American Progress

These new workplace realities are making it important for companies to introduce the right management policies. Managing part-time staff has its specifics and a few approaches can be expected to deliver much better results than others.

Proper Communication

Very often, part-time employees don’t have all of the information that full-time workers possess. It’s important to communicate with such workers regularly through meetings and one-on-one sessions.

It may be a good idea to schedule core business hours – a period during which all of the employees are at the office. This should be the period during which meetings, reporting and brainstorming sessions occur.

Important decisions should be announced within the same time period, as well. Such policies make it easier for people who spend smaller amounts of time at the office to feel connected with the business. Proper communication isn’t that difficult to accomplish – it simply requires a bit of restructuring and flexibility.

Equal Treatment

Many employers are guilty of treating part-time workers like second-class employees. This is a massive mistake that can deal a massive blow to productivity.

A different approach towards the management of full-time and part-time employees is a mistake. Every single member of the team is important and deserving of respect. Including everybody in the process may be difficult. Informing full-time staff about the need for thorough communication and inclusion can make things a little bit smoother.

The Importance of Supporting Growth

Whether you’re working with full-time or part-time employees, providing growth opportunities creates a sense of loyalty and commitment. Further qualification and training will boost productivity and increase the effectiveness of the workforce. You should be equally eager to invest in the improvement of people who work for you full-time and the ones that spend fewer hours at the office.

The right incentives are often all that it takes to operate a smoothly functioning corporate machine. Make sure everybody is aware of the training opportunities and your desire to invest in human resource development. A major change in attitude will take place as a result of making such incentives available.

Integration for Higher Morale

Top managers report that engagement and loyalty levels have gone down over the years, even for full-time employees. This is the main reasons why they’ve had to come up with innovative approaches for integration and boosting the morale of workers.

Integrating contractors and part-time workers in the team is a very good idea when it comes to good management practices. Such integration can occur through the acknowledgement of accomplishments, the provision of incentives and letting people know how their work contributes to the realization of the company’s vision.

Keeping morale high isn’t an easy task. Honest feedback and financial bonuses are both powerful tools. All workers need to be familiar with the company’s vision and values. A thorough orientation process, for example, can be employed to increase this familiarity.

Working with part-time employees delivers a lot of flexibility but it can be challenging the very beginning. If you want to make the most of such workers, you’ll have to introduce a new organization structure. Improving communication and a focus on equal treatment are the two strategies that will help you accomplish the most.  
