Eliminating Paper Time Cards – Save Some Trees!

Automating your time and attendance system is not only much simpler for the HR department, but it also cuts down on the use of a very valuable resource – trees. We recently logged onto a very interesting website called Eliminate Paper Time Cards, and listed below are some fascinating statistics on the use of paper time cards.

It takes 4 tons of wood (approximately 24 trees) to make 1 ton of paper

One ton of paper will make approximately 200,000 paper time cards or 8,330 per tree.

According to the United States Department of Labor, there were a total of 135,185,230 employed in the United States in May of 2008.

Therefore, taking these numbers into account, if only 10% of the employees in the United States use 1 paper time card per week, the number of trees used for paper time card production per year would be in excess of:

84,000 Trees each year in the U.S. Alone

It is estimated that there are 6,700,000,000 people on earth.

If we estimate that only 15% of the total population of the world is gainfully employed and only 10% of those are still using 1 paper time card per week (100,500,000). The number of trees used for paper time card production worldwide per year would be in excess of:

627,000 Trees per year Worldwide

Cut down your company’s ecological footprint and be environmentally friendly by investing in an automated time and attendance system!

Article source: http://www.eliminatepapertimecards.org/every-year-nearly-900000000-trees-are-cut-down-to-provide-raw-materials-for-american-paper-and-pulp-mills/