There are many long-term care providers who are struggling with workforce related challenges on a day to day basis. Challenges that must be dealt with in an efficient and less time consuming manner in order to maintain and deliver the quality of care needed to it's patients.
As long-term care facilities grow and more and more people are in need of long-term quality care and attention, many providers require highly skilled individuals who deal with specific types of conditions and disabilities. The shortage of staff and shortage of skilled workers is definitely a growing epidemic in the industry. It is extremely important that long-term care providers staff the right people with the right required skills, at the right times. Thus, being a critical challenge with no workforce management system in place.
In order to overcome such obstacles and maintain a competitive environment with their long-term care counterparts, long-term care providers must assess the issues at hand and choose the proper workforce management solution for their organization.
As an example, long-term healthcare facilities such as nursing homes usually operate all year round on a 24 hour basis. Managing schedules for employees in these types of environments are critical to the care in which they provide. Making a wrong decision can deeply impact the quality of care in which they provide. With the use of an automated workforce management solution, scheduling the right staff at the right times and managing and balancing skill sets across shifts can be stress free and help reduce a long-term headache.
To learn more about Synerion LTHC Scheduler please visit

We will be exhibiting at the OLTCA 2013 Trade Show & Conference
April 7th - 9th 2013
Metro Toronto Convention Centre - Toronto, ON
Come visit us at Booth #1319
For more information about the show, please visit OLTCA Web Site