Workforce Management Trends for 2018

19339650_s.jpgExciting changes are coming to workforce management in the new year. One idea that keeps popping up when it comes to trends is the idea of ease of use—tools which will help businesses and employees use workforce solutions more easily and effectively.

Here are several trends to keep an eye on this year:

  1. New Workforce Solutions: New platforms will be released which offer innovative, improved workforce solutions.

  2. Better Hiring Practices: The trend this year will be to hire the right employees to fit your needs, and then train them for the skills they need to do the job. In the past, companies wanted to find employees who were already trained for the position, but this isn’t always the best way. Sometimes employees fit the position, but don’t have all the necessary skills. Why not broaden the hiring criteria, and for smart people who can learn fast? Companies who adapt their hiring practices in this way will find themselves getting ahead of their competition.

  3. More Data: The trend has been gearing towards more analytics, more data. Businesses know they need more data to make informed improvements to their workforce; analytics are playing a bigger role in how they measure progress and employee productivity. Smart businesses will use the data they have and buy the data they need to help them get ahead.

  4. Flexible Scheduling: Today, standardized scheduling isn’t cutting it. It no longer meets business needs. Businesses are looking to smarter, more flexible approaches to designing and implementing schedules. Automated time and attendance software can now process information, build schedules, and help companies save money in the process.
  5. Automating Processes: The growth of automation in workforce management will continue. Today, platforms are becoming better at simplifying tasks and reducing the time it takes to do those tasks. More and more businesses will realize the need for automated solutions which work alongside their employees.

  6. Humanizing Leadership: This year, we’ll see a focus on making management more accessible, more human. Because we’ll see an increase in automating daily tasks, management will have more time to interact with their employees. In the past, management has found themselves out of touch. They’ve passed up opportunities for human interaction with their employees, but no longer. The most important driver of employee experience is an interaction with others (both management and other employees) organizations need to focus on programs that will help their managers forge relationships with, and develop, their employees.

Look for these workforce management trends in the coming months. Get on board now, and get ahead of the crowd. 

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