Thinking of Moving to a New Office Space? Here are 4 Things to Consider

Thinking of Moving to a New Office Space? Here are 4 Things to ConsiderGrowing pains are a part of a successful business. From redefining job duties to expanding staff, it's important for business owners and upper management to identify when growing pains can stunt a business and react appropriately. Part of that growing process often involves upgrading to a better office space. If you’re thinking about moving your office, take the time to consider these four topics first for a successful move. 

Current Space

When upper management start talking about moving, too often the excitement of upgrading to a new space means no one seriously considers staying at the old. For many companies, the cost of moving to a new office space is high when they already have that space available. Before committing yourself to a bigger office, ask whether you can do more with less. Are rarely used conference rooms occupying too much office space? Would shifting more employees to telecommuting free up some needed areas? Is your office really organized to optimize space? While moving to a new building sounds like fun, in reality it may not be necessary. Take an unbiased look at your current space before deciding you need a new office space. 



The cost of a move is much higher than the rent. When businesses move, they also assume higher electricity costs and heating bills. During the move, instrumentation may break and cost additional time and money. On top of it all, a large-scale move may reduce or eliminate productivity for days or weeks while employees work out the kinks of a new space. Taking the time to calculate the full cost of the move, from increased operating costs to immediate moving needs, is essential to understanding how the move will ultimately affect your business. Before planning a move, consider the short and long term costs of the move and whether you're truly ready to take on that price. 


While your new space might be perfect, considering the logistics of the actual move is essential to a successful change in venue. Start by considering whether you will hire a moving company or have employees aid in the move. Then, inventory your current equipment and decide which pieces can safely make the move and which pieces are better off being replaced. Take measurements and talk to the longest-serving employees to find out whether any equipment needed to be assembled in-house then call vendors of any big pieces to find out safe ways to transport your expensive pieces. Don’t miss seeing the trees through the forest. Map out the entire move, piece by piece, to ensure that you move everything safely and efficiently.  


Regardless of how well planned a move is, there will inevitably be some hiccups. Communicating with vendors, customers, and employees prior to the move is essential to a smooth transition into a new office space. Give customers plenty of notice that productivity and communication may be delayed during the moving process and prepare an emergency contact line for customers to use if they need immediate service. Also prime employees for the move by gathering management and communicating each department's role in the transition. When employees and customers already know how the move will proceed, they can focus on their part of the plan rather than wasting time and energy trying to be useful. 

Moving is a big step for a company. Whether it’s across town or across the hall, planning appropriately can mitigate a lot of the lost costs traditionally associated with moving offices. Use these four topics to plan and execute a flawless move for your business. 
