Depending on your industry, the type of Data Collection you require for your organization could vary widely. Fortunately, there are a variety of Data Collection methods available to suit any environment and workforce, whether it is onsite or remote, shop floor or retail, salaried or hourly – there is a Data Collection method that will fit your organizational needs.
Data Collection methods are integrated applications, utilities, tools and services. Offering a centralized, comprehensive view in real time – you can easily gather information that can be seemingly integrated with all of your workforce management processes.
Synerion offers a variety of Data Collection methods:
Badge Readers/ PIN
A fast, eficent and ecnomical solution that works with Proximity, Magstripe or Barcode cards and terminals to verify your employee’s identity.
Web-entry solutions
Enable your organiation to collect data through your intranet or interenet, using a web browser.
Advanced Biometric time clocks
Digitally scan and store unique finger/hand geometry of each employee and matches it to verify the employee’s identify.
Access control systems
Tracks and manages employee entry and exit and transmits the data to Synerion’s time and attendance system.
Landline and Smartphones
Ables your employees to use their smartphones to clock in and out, view scheduling, vacation balances and other WFM areas.
Point of Sale
A fast and efficent way to track and manage employee entries and exits through POS terminals (cash register).
Synerion works direcetly with you to understand your organizational needs and determines the best Data Collection solution that is right for you.