What Tasks Can Be Automated By Workforce Management Software?

54644779_s.jpg"I hired him for his ability to fill out paperwork" said no manager ever. Despite the reality of business, no employee is hired to complete menial tasks like manually inputting benefit information or writing their timesheet out. Employees are hired for their specialized skill set, whether that's customer service skills or technical expertise. Automating menial tasks allows employees to do what they're best at, no matter what that is. Learn what tasks can be automated by your workforce management system and free your employees to perform the job they were hired to do. 

Sifting through punch cards used to be a full time job. Multiple employees would be tasked with reading each punch and ensuring it was paid. Or employees would write down their hours, sending wrinkled and barely legible sheets for payroll to decipher. A workforce management system eliminates the need for employees to waste time writing down their hours worked or reporting to a time clock and relieves payroll of time spent decoding written timekeeping or punches. Automating your timekeeping by using a workforce management system can help alleviate extra stress from everyone in your organization. 

Payroll can not only benefit from automation of timekeeping but also basic payroll duties. Workforce management systems can be configured to ensure that labour laws are met for all employees. Overtime, vacation hours, and sick days can be paid automatically by consolidating employee timekeeping with managerial approval of time off. This allows payroll employees to focus on industry-specific questions and concerns that can't easily be automated. 

Monthly Reports

Too many managers spend their days compiling nice graphs and data to present at company meetings. While that data is important, the time needed to prepare it is unnecessary. With a workforce management system, reports can be set up to print as needed and delivered to the right manager. This reduces the time spent by managers compiling data and allows employees to easily access necessary business data in a readable format. 


Even the best employees need some guidance. Reducing overtime and ensuring compliance with procedures is a full time job - unless you have a workforce management system. Workforce management systems make it easy to alert managers when an employee is working unauthorized overtime and ensure each employee is aware of new procedures. No longer do managers need to meet each employee to collect a signature affirming their employees read a procedure. Instead, employees can receive an alert and link to the procedure, providing an electronic signature for compliance purposes. Workforce management software helps managers disseminate information while also giving them guidance. 

Workforce management software provides a simple way for businesses to automate more of their daily tasks which frees employees to perform the job they were hired for. Whether it's front-line customer service employees or highly skilled managers, implementing a workforce management system in your workplace can help you enhance the productivity of your skilled employees by removing menial tasks. 
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