Biometrics in the Workplace

In a world of evolving technology, biometric systems are really making a mark in security. For those of you who are unfamiliar with biometrics, it is basically technology that recognizes a specific feature on an individual to confirm the person’s identity. These features can range from an individual’s fingerprint, to their retina.

Biometrics were once seen as a cutting edge, revolutionary technological advancement, but the use of biometrics is becoming more and more common – as well as more and more important. The technology is often used for security purposes, but can also be transferred to daily activity in the world of commerce.

Using an automated, biometric system to track employee Time & Attendance is beneficial to organizations in a number of ways. Utilizing this technology allows companies to:

  1. Reduce payroll costs by 2-5%

  2. Eliminate the risk of “buddy punching”

  3. Reduce administrative errors and time spent calculating employee hours

Biometric technology is the ideal solution for busy work environments, allowing managers to ensure that individuals are working for their scheduled hours.

On top of all these benefits, installing a biometric solution guarantees a high return on investment. Implementing this technology does have higher initial costs, but provides companies with a stronger ROI than a standard time clock would.

Automating your Time & Attendance system by implementing a biometric solution is becoming the most effective alternative, and can provide savings all across the organizational chart.

Visit our website to find out more about biometric systems.

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